Galápagos Schoolhouse
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School: EC.B - COLEGIO NACIONAL GALAPAGOS • Quest 01: PLANIFICACION DE EDUCACION A DISTANCIA • Task 03: Communicaciones con Enr Angermeyer
updated 2/10/2006 8:46:00 PM by Kevin W.
Report: Dennis Subia
Hello! My name is Kevin Weisson and I live in San Antonio, Texas. My parents were born in Guayaquil. I read your message and I wanted to be your pen pal. I'm 13 years old and in 8th grade. I like music and i'm in band. I plan to be a veteranarian when I grow up because of my liking of animals. I've never been to Galapagos but my parents visited not too long ago, but they promised me they will take me next time. Anyways, I would like to know you, your school, and what you guys do over there. Also, I would like to know your family life. Yo si hablo en espanol y tu puedes escribirme. Please write back and thank you and your school for having this program.

Your friend,
Kevin Weisson

Hello Kevin,

My name is Allan Baer, and I am the president of the SolarQuest® Education Foundation, Inc. Your report to the SolarQuest® Virtual Schoolhouse was received by me, as I am the Quest author for the Quest and Task where you submitted your Report. So, I will answer your report.

First, I noticed that your report title was to Dennis Subia. Did you think you were writing to Denis? I do not know Dennis. He may be a teacher or student at Colegio Nacional Galapagos. Please note that Galapagos schools are now on summer break.

Since I am the only person who has seen your report, and the only person that can reply to your report, I am doing so in order to fulfill your request of seeking a penpal.

Since school is on break for the summer, I cannot get anyone to write to you. The computer labs are closed, and the teachers on vacation until April. So I cannot get anyone to respond to you from the Galapagos until that time.

My son Asa, age 15, is now working with me on the Galapagos project. It may be interesting for you to write to Asa until school in the Galapagos starts, and I can connect you with someone there. Also, I would like to get your parents permission for you to participate in the program as you are 13, an age which does require parental permission for such types of projects over the Internet.

Feel free to have your parents email me (abaer at to communicate about permission. You may also want to review the documents that I just posted on the home page: There are several documents that explain SolarQuest® programs, including a 2006 summer youth delegation to the Galapagos.

Note that I would be very interested to have you as a part of our program working with students in the Galapagos. I will be happy to call your parents once you have had a chance to look over our various program documents, and you and your parents feel comfortable about the project. I hope to hear from you soon.

Allan Baer, President

PS: Yes, you can do all this in Spanish. We have a great teacher that can work with you for this program. If you and your parents respond before Thursday of next week, I will discuss with her your interest in the program. Thanks for posting this report.

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