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School: 2004 - AC - AUDIT COORDINATION • Quest AC / INST - 105: INSTITUTIONAL AUDIT 5 • Task INST - 105 -: AUDIT
updated 10/14/2003 11:51:00 AM by Berenice N.
Report: Task Institucional 105_ Beneficio Publico_ Testigos de Jehova
INPUTS CHECKLIST WITNESSES DE JEHOVAH TARIFF BENEFIT I PUBLISH 984 MEASURING N # 622227 (PHOTO 341) The temple of the Witnesses of Jehovah is located in the Av. Alsacio Nortia, is an avenue very journeyed, the density with respect to dense the Moderately constructions, the height with the constructions is similar, has square form, their walls are clear, and clear the average ceiling. In the facade uno(Photo 317) we can observe the entrance to the temple where it has, a small runner of square 13metros (photo 316) when by hand right entering we found the warehouse of the pumps with the pressure tank is used 6 hours to the month, its connections are not very good, the ceiling is of eternil with beams of madera(photo 310, 311, 312, 313) when entering temple we observed that they have centers of 100w, the ceiling is, fallen down of plaster, the floor tiles, the walls of cement Block with Pilares(Photo 307, 308). The temperature which we found within the temple is of the walls 22°c, ceiling of knocked down 22°c, floor of floor tile 23°c. At heart by hand right we found a quarter where this an amplifier that is used single the days of Cult is Tuesday Thursday and Saturdays (photo 306) In the main Facade we can see a house of two floors, single the floor is used of down and has its own measurer (photo 314). Note The temple goes to do reconstructed the next year, are going to change the lights of now, by floresentes lights, the pumps go to do also changed? The ceiling of above of the temple goes to do changed since at this moment are the bad wood beams? Here the greater consumption is ńluces that uses since they are of 100 w.? The conditioneds air single are used in epoca of heat from December to May,

File Attachment: Copia_de_INPUTS_CHECKLBeneficio_Publiico_Testigos_de_Jehova.doc

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