Galápagos Schoolhouse
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School: 2004 - AC - AUDIT COORDINATION • Quest AC / COM - 102: COMMERCIAL AUDIT 2 • Task COM - 102 -: AUDIT
updated 9/16/2003 4:43:00 PM by Berenice N.
Report: Reporte 102 Cabezas Matapucho
The store of Mr. Marcos Matapuncho Heads this surrounded by few buildings. The main entrance this to the North (Photo 391).se finds in the Spanish street forehead to the Park of Marta Roldós. The height referring to the constructions that surround to him is variable, the store has rectangular form. In the Facade one we can find two door, the store occupies the right door by hand where it is entered the store and by hand left we can observe the display cabinet freezer (photo 377) and by hand left stans with foods of first necessity (Photo 386) and found the wood window without glass where it enters fresh air and it gives shade, in the part of back of the store we found a door open where it enters air and light. The ceiling of outside is of ternil, and it is old, would not be possible here to be installed solar paddles, since the ceiling not in good state (Photo 373). The structure of the store is of pillars of wood of Matasarna, but cement. The Interior of the store, watching towards the ceiling you can observe a seen ceiling where you find the fixed ones of matasarno and the ternil ceiling is seen, here the saving centers, and floresentes lamps with connections in badly are located been (Photo 380, 381.390). When you enter by the second door you can observe the installation of the display cabinet freezer and has a wire with mention sticky (Photo 376) and one takes current without tapa(Photo 378) Tienen one radio, a television, a congeladora display cabinet, and a refrigeradora that do not use. I found 2 measurers, which one are the one that this in the list of Elegalapagos (Photo 387), and the other this in the list (photo 374) and does not take care for the store. Note: This store Needs to change to complete mind its wires of ceiling and to have better connections for the apparatuses eléctricos.El floor of the store is of cement.

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